Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Unbelievable but true . . . in Quebec there exists McLobster. Actually, it's McHomard. A Happy Meal is a Joyeux Festin and the crown of all crowns is the Hambourgeois. Good grief! Leave it to the Canadians ooops!!! sorry, the Quebecois to make McDonald's food SOUND appetizing. I can't believe we talked about such things over a New Years meal of Paté en croute, foie gras, salade frisée, 20 different cheeses, and ice cream from Berthillons! If you ask me, it's blasphemy to have such heavenly food in the mouth and, at the same time, talk of such tripe as McDonalds.


Blogger snusnu said...

I hate you and your gastronomical delights. I want foie gras!! And do you know that, in my darker moments, what keeps me going is the memory of the frise and baked goat cheese salad from your wedding?

8:20 PM  

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